Thursday, May 8, 2014

30th Birthday 10k

I  turned 30 this past Saturday, and what better way to celebrate than a run.  I was originally planning to do a local 10k race in Buffalo, but I decided that I would rather sleep in on my birthday so I set out to run 10k by myself while the girls were napping after lunch.  This was my longest run since my injury, and it felt pretty great!  It helped that the weather was beautiful!
Testing out my new bluetooth headphones that I got for my birthday from Joe and the girls!

After my run, my husband surprised me with a birthday party with my close friends and family!  Well, he was able to keep it a surprise until Friday night anyway.  He ordered Salt Lick BBQ all the way from Texas.  It was so yummy!

I spent the rest of the weekend with the ones who make my heart happy :)  It was a wonderful birthday.

Up next...I am running the Minneapolis Half on June 1.  I'm hoping to get an 8-miler and a 10-miler in the next two weekends to see how my knee does with longer runs.  If everything goes well, I will start my marathon training after the half!  With my recent injury, I am leaning towards using a Jeff Galloway training program for the full marathon.  I originally had a time goal of under 5 hours, but now my only goal is to make it through the training and the race without re-injuring myself, so I'm going to take it easy!  I will be just as proud if it takes me over 5 hours.  I also have been adding weight training and biking into the mix and I am really enjoying the variety and cross training so far.

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