Friday, October 17, 2014

Twin Cities Marathon Race Recap!

Well, I am officially a marathoner, and barely!  Jessie and I finished the Twin Cities Marathon in 6:02:14.  We had a very rough time but since our only goal was to finish, I would say we were successful!

Saturday night, we stayed at the Depot in Minneapolis which was only a few blocks from the start line.  After picking up our packets and wandering around the expo in St. Paul, we went to bed early and tried to get a good night's sleep.

In the morning, we left our hotel room a little later than we had planned, and arrived at the start line just in time to watch the wheelers take off at 7:55.  Then we got a little nervous because we still had to drop off our sweat bags so we jogged all the way back to corral 3 and dropped off our bags and then we only had a few minutes to stand around before the start.  At least we didn't have much time to stand out in the cold and freeze! It was a very chilly morning, in the 40s.
Selfie with our throw away sweatshirts still on before the start

We talked to the 5:30 pacer before the race and she said she was doing a 5/1 run/walk ratio so we thought we would stick with our original plan of taking a short walk break every mile and hopefully stay ahead of her.  Well, that strategy worked for the first 12 miles or so.

Around the half marathon point is where we started to fall apart (way too early in a race of this distance).  We were both really cold, the sun never came out and it was windy so every time we took a walk break we would freeze.  Jessie's knee was giving her trouble, and I started to feel that familiar dizzy feeling that plagues me from time to time during long runs.  I was following my nutrition plan up until that point, but I really wished I would have carried water with me because the water stations felt so far apart and I was thirsty the whole time.

Around 13.1 was also when the 5:30 pacer caught up with us, which is about right because my watch said 2:45.  Since we were both feeling bad, we decided to drop down to the 5/1 and try to stay with the group, but it didn't last more than a couple of miles before they were way ahead of us.  The last 10 miles we did a ton of walking and our spirits were not too high.  We had to make 2 bathroom stops, too.  The only real bright spot was when we saw Jackie, our faithful cheerleader who had made us an awesome sign and everything.  She took my hat and gave me a dry headband too, bless her heart.  I remember I told her how miserable we were and that I would never do this again in a million years...or something to that effect.  When we got to Summit Ave. the crowds were a lot thinner than I remembered from the 10 mile last year...because we were truly in the back of the pack.  One of the water stations even ran out of water.

At some point we decided that we were not going to quit and we were going to finish this thing no matter what.  After that I kept looking at my watch to calculate how fast we needed to walk in order to finish in the 6 hour time limit.  Basically we needed to keep a 15:00 pace for the last several miles so we walked quickly with small bursts of running thrown in.  There was an older man race walking with the name "Dan" on the back of his shirt and he could walk so fast!  He would pass us walking and then we would jog a little and pass him and then a few minutes later he would walk past us again.  He basically paced us for several miles (I would say miles 21-25 maybe?).

Sometime after mile 24 I turned around to a sight that made my stomach sink: the sweep vehicle, a school bus, was in sight behind us.  I told Jessie we needed to pick up the pace so we did that as much as we could, trying to stay far enough ahead of the bus that we wouldn't get picked up.  At one point we realized we hadn't seen Dan in a while, and I think he must have gotten picked up.  I looked at the list of finishers after us (not many) and I didn't see anyone named Dan.

Finally we came to the cathedral and turned the corner to see the capital in the distance.  We started to run as fast as we could; it is pretty funny (sad?) to watch the finish line footage because it looks like I am running in slow motion, even though it felt like I was sprinting at that point.  I have never felt such relief in my whole life than when I crossed that finish line.  I was so glad to see Jackie again, and my mom at the finish line.  At one point in our misery, Jessie and I were talking about whether we would rather give birth or run another marathon, and we both decided we would rather give birth (and she had her kids without pain meds)!  So if you have ever given birth you might have an idea just how bad we were feeling.

"sprinting" to the finish

So although we had a disappointing time and a miserable couple of hours, I still feel proud that I finished a marathon.  I have a whole new respect for the distance, that's for sure.  I can see where our training was not quite adequate with only 2 runs longer than a half marathon, and we took our taper a little too far those last couple of weeks, I think because we were feeling burned out from training.  I haven't run in the 12 days that have passed since the race, but my legs are itching to go for a run so I think I will get back out there!  Going forward I am going to focus on enjoying running shorter distances again and maybe even setting a half marathon PR next year!
Just so cold!

I think I'm going to buy this one...the first race photo I will have purchased.  We just look way too happy to be done!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Getting caught up

Long time, no post!  I have been too busy marathon training and racing to even blog, imagine that!  Well, that and we added this crazy girl to our family a couple weeks ago:
She may look sweet and innocent but she is keeping us on our toes around here!

I have three more races under my belt since the last time I blogged here, so rather than writing a post for each one, I am just going to recap them quickly here and move on!

First up: Tiki Run 10k (Aug 2, 2014)

This was a new run this year for Team Ortho, and my first 10k race!  I ran it with my cousin Jessie who is running Twin Cities marathon with me next weekend!  Here we are before the race:
Good old blurry stranger photo

It was very humid but at least the rain stopped right before the run.  The course description said it was flat, but we did not feel that way.  It started at the Union Depot in St. Paul and followed some of the Get Lucky course, but then went out on a big bridge over the train tracks.  Anyway, we had fun and finished in 1:07:27.  The after party was pretty lame, long lines for a piece of pizza and a beer, but we did get a great photo with the signature Team Ortho shirtless hunk:
Also our leis didn't work (they were supposed to have blinking lights)

All in all, we had fun but I probably won't bother with this race next year!

Next up: Milk Run 5k (Aug 24, 2014)

This year I did the Milk Run with Jackie, her first race back after having a baby!  I also did this race in 2012 with my mom.  I love it and will try to do it every year!  It's fun because you get to the fair super early and then get free admission and a free malt from the dairy building.  The race itself is fun and hilly!  I am bummed that we didn't take any pictures before or after the race, but here is our time:

Not too shabby!

Finally: Esprit de She 10k (Sep 18, 2014)

I was so mad that I couldn't do this race last year, because I had nobody to watch my kids.  This year I made sure I didn't miss it (even though it was my hubby's birthday, sorry honey)!  I ran with both Jackie and Jessie!  It was really fun and we got a lot of free goodies from the various vendors there.  I think my favorite was the arm warmers from Allina, they will be perfect for the start of the marathon.  We also got samples from Cold Stone and turkey burgers and wine at the finish! 

The race was fun but hard to run as fast as we wanted because we were sharing a path for most of the race with all the other slow people who lined up in a faster corral than they should have!  The 10k was two loops of the 5k course, so after the first lap the crowd thinned out and we were able to run a little faster.  Even with those challenges, I managed a PR of 1:04:05!  Again, we forgot to take pictures of the race, but here is one professional photo with me and Jessie (Jackie must have been just out of the frame):
We also got those cute tanks for the race!

Last but not least, yes I have been training for a marathon these past few months!  Training has been going good overall, I did my two longest training runs with Jessie (16 miles and 20 miles).  I learned that I need to take salt pills every hour or so, and learned my lesson about running out of water, too!  I think we are ready for race day, aiming for around a 5:30 finish?  That is just a guess, hopefully the stars align and we have good weather, good hydration, etc. for race day!  Right now I am just tapering and trying to eat super healthy and take all my supplements.  Trying not to get sick.  Trying to get a lot of sleep (hard with the new puppy).  I scheduled a sports massage for Friday to work out some of these knots in my calves and my tight right IT band!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Minneapolis Marathon Non-Race Recap

Sunday, June 1st I should have run the Minneapolis Half Marathon.  I was (somewhat) prepared...I stayed at the Depot hotel Saturday night with my aunt Sue, who had registered for the race just days before.
The flat Maija and Susie were laid out with hopes that race day soon would be there

We woke up bright and early at 4:30am to what could be described as a torrential downpour.  Did that deter us?  Not a chance!  We suited up, garbage bags and all, and went downstairs to catch our shuttle at a little after 5:00.  Unfortunately, we soon learned that the race had been delayed by one hour due to lightning near the start line and along the course.  After a lot of waiting around, we did finally board our shuttle and got lined up at the start, near the 2:20 pacers (wishful thinking...).  Finally at 7:45 we learned that the race had been officially cancelled.

Thank you random stranger for taking our "bummer" picture on your own phone and texting it to me.  

By this time, ironically, the skies were clearing up and we enjoyed a leisurely 3 mile run from our hotel and across the Stone Arch bridge to Nicollet Island.  Perfect running weather, if I do say so myself.  We were bummed out that the race was cancelled but we had a fun time anyway!  Team Ortho is giving everyone who was registered for the Minneapolis Marathon a $20 race entry into another race this year, so I will get to run Women Rock again!  I can't decide if I want to do the half marathon or the 10k...

A medal I didn't earn

Thursday, May 8, 2014

30th Birthday 10k

I  turned 30 this past Saturday, and what better way to celebrate than a run.  I was originally planning to do a local 10k race in Buffalo, but I decided that I would rather sleep in on my birthday so I set out to run 10k by myself while the girls were napping after lunch.  This was my longest run since my injury, and it felt pretty great!  It helped that the weather was beautiful!
Testing out my new bluetooth headphones that I got for my birthday from Joe and the girls!

After my run, my husband surprised me with a birthday party with my close friends and family!  Well, he was able to keep it a surprise until Friday night anyway.  He ordered Salt Lick BBQ all the way from Texas.  It was so yummy!

I spent the rest of the weekend with the ones who make my heart happy :)  It was a wonderful birthday.

Up next...I am running the Minneapolis Half on June 1.  I'm hoping to get an 8-miler and a 10-miler in the next two weekends to see how my knee does with longer runs.  If everything goes well, I will start my marathon training after the half!  With my recent injury, I am leaning towards using a Jeff Galloway training program for the full marathon.  I originally had a time goal of under 5 hours, but now my only goal is to make it through the training and the race without re-injuring myself, so I'm going to take it easy!  I will be just as proud if it takes me over 5 hours.  I also have been adding weight training and biking into the mix and I am really enjoying the variety and cross training so far.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Lone Star 5k Race Recap

Howdy, I am back from my trip to Texas and my first Texas race!  And my first race since being injured!  The Lone Star Half Marathon & 5k was so much fun.  I was registered for the half, but after being out with a knee injury for the past five weeks, I was ordered by the doctor to take it easy.  This was only my third run since my injury, and my knee felt pretty good!

My mom decided to do the 5k with me too, since she was feeling out of shape.  My aunt Sue was running her first half marathon, at 61 years young!  She was amazing, and it was fun to be able to cheer for her at the finish line.  I don't think I would have been able to keep up with her even if I wasn't injured, as she finished in just over 2:18.

Anyway, the 5k was a quick out-and back, and there were a few hills out there in hill country, imagine that.  It went by so fast!  I just remember feeling great but at the same time glad I did not have to run the half marathon!  The weather was nice, right around 60 degrees.  I just ran at a comfortable easy pace and enjoyed my race.  My official time was 32:40, good for 8/25 in my age group (sadly, my last race in the under 30 age group).  Gotta love those small races!  My mom won 2/15 in her age group with a nice time of 29:05, and my aunt won 3/11 in her age group for the half marathon!

Fun to have Robbyn Dodd at the race for some great photos!

After the race, we hung around for a long time eating and drinking Lone Star beer and also some yummy wine.  They had some nice live music and a festive atmosphere.  We could have stayed there all day, but we had a very busy concert schedule for the rest of the day!

This was a fun race and I would love to do it again, maybe the half next year.  We also talked about doing a spring race in Santa Cruz next year, there are a few half marathons that would be pretty awesome to try.  Decisions, decisions :)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The injured reckless runner

I casually mentioned at the end of my last post that my knees were sore...well that pain turned out to be a lot more serious than I thought. Here I am, 17 days after the Get Lucky race, and still unable to run due to severe pain in my right knee. Just walking, driving, and sitting at my desk at work are almost more than my knee can handle right now. I have been reduced to wearing my running shoes all day at work and taking the elevator rather than walking down one flight of stairs (going upstairs is bearable, downstairs not so much). 
I did visit the orthopedic doctor after about a week of pain that was not improving. He diagnosed me with "runner's knee" or patellofemoral pain syndrome. His recommendations of rest, ice and ibuprofen were less than helpful. After moping around for another week, I decided to try some alternative methods for getting back on my feet. I have three appointments with an ART chiropractor this week, as well as a body works massage at the gym and a visit with my trainer. So far I have not experienced any improvement but I am trying to stay hopeful that I will be able to run again soon! I don't know at this point if I will be able to run the Lone Star half in 18 days.  I was planning on running a local 10k race to celebrate my 30th birthday on May 3, and now I am doubting that I will even be able to do that. It is really hard to keep a positive attitude at the moment, but I came upon this old post from Lauren Fleshman that somehow made me feel a little better:

At least I still get to see REK when I am down in Texas (who happens to be suffering from a broken foot), so there's that.  And I need to get me one of these shirts. Even if I can't run the race, I will make the best out of the situation by cheering on my mom & my aunt Sue who will be running her first half!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Get Lucky Half Marathon Race Recap

Another chilly race is in the books! On Saturday I completed half marathon number four. Spoiler alert: I missed a PR by 36 seconds with my finish time of 2:30:02. Despite the cold and windy conditions and missing my PR, it was still a fun race!
On Friday night we continued our pre-race ritual of dinner at Pazzaluna in St. Paul. I had the chicken piccata with risotto, and it was so delicious.
My mom was in town for a visit, and we both got our hair done on Friday :) We stayed at the Doubletree the night before the race with Tasha and Anna; we appreciated the free warm cookies on demand!
Saturday morning we were up at 7 to get ready! Tasha made our awesome tutus for the race. 
My first time dressing up for a race, it was fun except our tutus kept getting stuck to each other!

We were glad to walk from our hotel to the start line a few blocks away just minutes before the 8:30 start. It was around 18 degrees when we started out, and windy! The wind was actually at our backs until the turnaround at mile 7, after that it was a brutally cold headwind the whole way! I was proud of myself for running the whole way, other than slowing briefly for water/powerade 3 times. I didn't even have to walk up the big hill at mile
10 (where I had to walk during both Women Rock and Monster Dash).

Our finish (Tasha finished about 10-11 minutes before us).

Two cold races so far this year! I stole this cute picture from Anna's Facebook :)

Two days later, my right knee is still hurting. I hope I recover quickly so I can jump into training for my next race, the Lonestar Half Marathon in Luckenbach, TX! At least I can count on that one to be warm!

Update: here are the splits from my Garmin, just for fun and because I finally uploaded my activities to Garmin Connect:

Avg Pace

Monday, March 10, 2014

Indoor Tri!

Yesterday I completed a race that I never thought I would do: a triathlon! Over the past two years I have discovered my love for running, but I have never really done a
whole lot of biking or swimming. However, I am always up for a challenge! My coworker Carl (who recently had two hip replacements!) challenged me to sign up for the tri with him, so how could I say no? My very spontaneous friend Rachel also joined in the fun; she was a swimmer in high school so I knew she would be up for it.

The indoor tri consisted of a 10 minute swim, 30 minute bike, and 20 minute run.    It was fun to do this race with my friends, without having to maintain the same pace throughout. Rachel was the fastest swimmer, Carl kicked our butts on the bike ride, and my best part was obviously the 20 minute run.  It was a fun experience and a good Sunday workout!
That's me swimming!
After our swim :)
My first time on a spin bike. My butt was not a fan of this type of workout. I spent 30 minutes wishing I had some padded bike shorts. Somehow I didn't get any pictures from the treadmill. My "scores" were: 18 lengths in the pool, 6.5 miles on the bike, and 2.1 miles on the 'mill. Although I hated the spin bike, I really enjoyed the swimming. Maybe I will have to put my new goggles and swim cap to good use and hit up the pool once in a while this summer. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Dome Running

When you are living in the midst of a polar vortex, sometimes you have to get I ran 10 miles inside the Maple Grove Sports Dome! It was 20 degrees below zero outside, but a perfect 55 degrees inside the dome:

There were a handful of runners there this morning, and some soccer games going on, which kept me distracted enough for 48 laps. My pace was decent for a long run; maybe all my speed work on the treadmill has been paying off? This was also the first time using my Garmin foot pod so it hasn't been calibrated. However, it matched up pretty close with my Nike plus app so I think the 10:41 pace is fairly accurate!

The running surface was a soft grassy turf that was awesome to run on. It was a welcome change from the treadmill at least!  My next half marathon is in two weeks, I'm hoping for both good weather and a PR!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Adventures in Snowshoeing

Today we got even more snow, but around lunch time the sun came out and the "feels like" temperature was above zero (ok, it was zero).  Since the roads were way too snowy, I decided to try out my new snowshoes that I got for Christmas.

My XC skiing pants and Running Room jacket that I bought for the Polar Dash also came in handy today.  So…snowshoeing is hard!  The snow was really deep and there were huge drifts on the golf course.  But it was very peaceful and pretty out there today!

I wore my Garmin and HR monitor just out of curiosity, and I did about one mile in 30 minutes!  My HR was in zone 2 most of the time, so it wasn't quite giving me a great workout and when I was finished all I wanted to do was go for a run.  It was a little different and frustrating moving so slowly on the snowshoes, but sort of fun at the same time!  This winter has not been a good one for running in Minnesota, so we do what we can.  I'm really looking forward to warmer temps, whenever they decide to show up.  

I'm (sort of) training for my next race, the Get Lucky half marathon on March 15.  I have been trying to follow a higher-mileage plan, but I have not been getting my long runs in at all due to this crappy weather.  I have been hitting the treadmill a lot and doing some speed work from my latest metabolic test, so hopefully I will be ready to set a PR in March!  For the rest of the year, my race schedule looks like this:

March 15 - Get Lucky half marathon
April 19 - Lone Star half marathon in Luckenbach, TX (I just registered for this today!)
June 1 - Minneapolis half marathon
October 5 - Twin Cities Marathon (!)
October 25 - Monster Dash half marathon

I'm sure I will sprinkle some 5k races in there too, and I would really like to run a 10k since I have not raced that distance yet and I love that distance!  But the highlight of the year will hopefully be Twin Cities, more on that decision in an upcoming post...

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Polar Dash Half Marathon Race Recap

The first day of 2014 was freezing here in Minnesota!  The windchill was 20 below zero.  Only crazy people would run a 14 mile race outside on a day like that:
Exhibit A "crazy people"

By the the time the race started, we already had frozen toes and fingers.  They announced right at the start that they would be handing out medals to everyone who crossed the finish line, without verifying if you completed the whole course.  There was a 10k, which was a 3-mile out and back route, and then the 14 mile, which followed the 10k route and then went out another 4 miles and back.  So when we started out, we thought maybe we could just do the 10k and call it good, it was really way too cold to run 14 miles.  
Thank goodness for my running friends Tasha and Anna, at the second turnaround, we all just kept going and therefore committed to running the whole 14 miles.  After we were done, we all said that we were waiting for one of the other girls to say something about quitting after 10k, but none of us did!  I am proud of us just for doing this race!  After our porta-potty break at around mile 7, Tasha ran ahead because she was freezing and is a much faster runner.  I don't blame her for just wanting to finish as quickly as possible!  Anna and I continued on at a slow-ish pace and our half marathon split was 2:43:34 (not terrible considering the potty break).  Our 14 mile time was 2:53:56!  I guess you could call that a 14 mile PR.  Of course, my phone died halfway through (it tends to do that in the cold), and I forgot my Garmin!  So I don't have any splits or anything.  The goal of this race was just to finish, and I am really happy that it is done.
I have to mention that collectively I think we spent over $1,000 outfitting for this race among the three of us.  We were still freezing.  But it was worth it just to say that we ran 14 miles on the first day of 2014!

When I got home I added my bib and medal to the new medal holder that Anna made me for Christmas:

I hope to add many more medals to that display in 2014!  Happy New Year!