Thursday, July 25, 2013

Barefoot Running

Last week Christian Peterson (also known as The Maple Grove Barefoot Guy) did a presentation at my work.  It was pretty interesting to learn a little about barefoot running and proper running form.  I know I typically have a heel-strike when I run, but I have no interest in actually running barefoot like this guy.  However, I am interested in improving my running form, if for no other reason than to save some wear and tear on my knees and other joints, so I decided to try some minimal shoes.  I got a pair of these babies:

So far I have just run a couple of 5k's in them, but they are pretty nice!  I can definitely tell they force me to avoid striking with my heel.  I also wore them for weight training last night and they were very comfortable for that too!

Unfortunately, I can not write a race recap of the Torchlight because I was sick this year.  This was the second year in a row that I signed up for that race and was not able to run it for one reason or another.  I was actually so sick that I didn't run for 5 days in a row.  The last time I did that was in February!

But there was some good news this friends and I will be running this on October 6:

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