Monday, June 9, 2014

Minneapolis Marathon Non-Race Recap

Sunday, June 1st I should have run the Minneapolis Half Marathon.  I was (somewhat) prepared...I stayed at the Depot hotel Saturday night with my aunt Sue, who had registered for the race just days before.
The flat Maija and Susie were laid out with hopes that race day soon would be there

We woke up bright and early at 4:30am to what could be described as a torrential downpour.  Did that deter us?  Not a chance!  We suited up, garbage bags and all, and went downstairs to catch our shuttle at a little after 5:00.  Unfortunately, we soon learned that the race had been delayed by one hour due to lightning near the start line and along the course.  After a lot of waiting around, we did finally board our shuttle and got lined up at the start, near the 2:20 pacers (wishful thinking...).  Finally at 7:45 we learned that the race had been officially cancelled.

Thank you random stranger for taking our "bummer" picture on your own phone and texting it to me.  

By this time, ironically, the skies were clearing up and we enjoyed a leisurely 3 mile run from our hotel and across the Stone Arch bridge to Nicollet Island.  Perfect running weather, if I do say so myself.  We were bummed out that the race was cancelled but we had a fun time anyway!  Team Ortho is giving everyone who was registered for the Minneapolis Marathon a $20 race entry into another race this year, so I will get to run Women Rock again!  I can't decide if I want to do the half marathon or the 10k...

A medal I didn't earn