Thursday, August 8, 2013

21 Day Detox

I am on my third day of a 21 day detox program from my trainer...nothing too crazy, but I have to eliminate gluten, dairy, soy, caffeine, alcohol and refined sugar from my diet.  I also get to take these lovely supplements all day long:

So far it's going okay except that I am missing my coffee.  I am not experiencing any headaches or anything so that's good, but I am pretty tired.  Supposedly around day 4-5 I should turn a corner and start feeling GREAT, so let's hope that is the case!

My half marathon training is going pretty well!  I had such an awesome 10 mile run on Sunday evening:

I don't have my splits since I didn't even wear my Garmin.  Ever since I started using Nike+ I usually just leave the Garmin at home.  Anyway, this was my second attempt at 10 miles, since my first attempt two weeks prior was pretty awful.  In that run, I walked the majority of the last 2-3 miles, and I felt like I was going to die the whole time.  My average pace was 12'36".  After that run I was feeling defeated, and worried about the race.  I completely skipped my long run the following weekend (I had a wedding and friends from out of town = too much drinking, not enough sleep, zero running).  So needless to say, my confidence is back up after this more recent 10 miler!  The next four weekends look like this: 11, 12, taper, 13.1!!!!!!!!